More on my artistic side.

I would like to share some of my paintings and drawings.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Three Year Anniversary..........

There wasn't a big fanfare that took place when we finished it. There were sighs of relief from the artists. It was put up and then slowly through the years we have been given feedback on the six foot square mural from various people in the community.  It has been three years since July that we completed it.  It was a big challenge to paint but my wife  and I did accomplished it.  I do remember that we had a few false starts before we finally settled on the style of the trolley.  The painting is at the train station, inside,  here in Woodward.  Many different styles of trollies were use to pick up and deliver people and farm products.  It started out from the downtown Des Moines area and had two routes a day to Woodward.

I did notice that one of the trollies in all the old phots had a bell on top of it and at one time we were planning to do one.  I guess it missed the final sessions of being included during our detailing period.